Would you like to get more out of your life? It's never too late to make a new choice or reverse your life's course. One way to live a more enriched life is to be conscious of what you're doing at every moment. This way, you stay connected with your behavior and feelings.

Here's a simple example: You've decided to start and grow your personal skills and abilities or even start a business. You make a to do list to both learn and do something every day that will lead you to this goal. Yet you realize that at the end of each day you are not able to complete anything on the list.
Now imagine the same scenario, yet this time you behave differently. You intentionally complete one task at a time and tick it from your list and then start another task. At the end of each day, you smile to yourself as you prepare for bed, with a deep satisfaction based on your efforts and actions.
The second scenario demonstrates the concept of living a conscious life. Knowing what you want, choosing how you spend your time, and staying in touch with your feelings are indicators of a conscious life.
There are many techniques you can implement to help you purposely live the way you want to. When you live consciously, you're no longer a victim of the wind, being blown about this way and that way by the circumstances of your life. You can create the life you desire with conscious living.
Try these 5 strategies to get you started and inspire you on your journey:
1. Create the life you want one step at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Spend some time exploring what you already love about your life. Also investigate what you'd like to change. Then, think about how you can take deliberate steps to create the life you desire.
Seek balance in your life. For example, if you disagree with someone, or dislike something, take time to consider the other person's side or opinion, or ask for another perspective. Allow yourself to have enough information if you need to change your mind.
2. Live in the present moment. You've most likely heard this suggestion before. But what does it really mean to live in the moment? Consider this example:
While you're in a job less than what you desire, think about how you can enjoy each day and make the most of your time, while looking for another job or seeking to set up your own business. Avoid doing anything else, rather mentally connect to that today. Just stay in the present moment with yourself and others and focus on the now, but also make plans for the next day.
3. Know yourself. Awareness of your likes and dislikes is important to conscious living.
Learn what's important to you. Discover what makes you tick, what drives you, and what you find inspiring.
Self-understanding is an integral part of living life consciously because if you know your preferences and motivations, you can then create circumstances that will enable you to accomplish your goals.
4. Live your own truth. At different times in your life, you might have gravitated toward peers who didn't judge you, which made you feel more comfortable. Perhaps you didn't have all that much in common with them, but you felt validated. When you decide to live consciously, you will stay true to your own beliefs, and no longer seek validation.
When you live your truth, you stay faithful to what's genuinely important to you. 5. Learn to let go of negativity and situations you can't control.
Conserve your emotional energy for what you can change: yourself and your own life.
Now that's conscious living! Go forth and live. You got this and you can do this. Stay in peace and not in pieces.
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